Daku tidak tahan lagi untuk membuat judul dengan huruf besar terkait masalah bentuk badan kali ini. Sudah tahun 2018 dan masih banyak ku temukan orang-orang yang body-shame dirinya bahkan orang lain, parahnya, daku melihat iklan di bioskop salah satu produk yang “mengklaim” kesehatan pun menggunakan body-shaming.

STOP IT! Right here. Right now!
There is NO such thing as…  YOU ARE TOO FAT! YOU ARE TOO SKINNY!
There is NO WRONG WAY to have a BODY!
Are YOU seriously THINK that by telling people those words then they will NOT start to HATE their own body? 

Oh wait, dirimu belum tahu apa itu body shaming?
Daku ambil dari Cambridge Dictionary, istilah body shame memiliki arti: “bodyshame definition: to criticize someone based on the shape, size, or appearance of their body.”  Simply put, body shame ini bisa di mengerti sebagai ketidakmampuan kita untuk menerima bentuk badan, tipe badan, dan penampilan fisik badan baik dari omongan orang lain atau pengetahuan-sempit kita sendiri terkait badan/tubuh kita.

Why on earth I want it to stop? 
1. Because it hurts
2. Because I’m so sick of being told too skinny, when you guys just focus on my upper body and neglecting the fact that I HAVE A PEAR-BODY-SHAPE! – oh I forgot, you don’t know that there are several body shapes! 
3. I do not want kiddos, especially girls, get chronic insecurity regarding their body shape just because we can’t stop body-shame ourselves and others
4. I do not want to be the example of ungrateful person who can’t love herself and her body

If so then, what do I want? 
I want to empower other women by telling them how beautiful they are..
How wonderful they are just they way they are. No matter what body shapes they have. I want other women to feel safe and secure with their own body and help them to start focusing on any other tasks that need to be done, such as being healthy and happy!

4 thoughts on “STOP BODY SHAMING!

  1. Love this post! Sepertinya masih perlu disosialisasikan di Indonesia…

    Kalau berat badan naik, ditanyain “Kamu kok tambah gemuk sih?”
    Kalau berat nurun, “Kok kurusan sih? Kamu engga lagi stress kan?”
    Kalau engga berubah, “Kok kamu dari dulu gini-gini doang sih?”

    Ahh, manusia seperti itu mending dibuang saja 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear 🙂 Yes, defo perlu banget disosialisasikan di Indonesia tercinta ini. Karena iklan di bioskop saja pake framing body-shame ini.

      And have you ever wonder kenapa mereka sering bertanya soal kondisi tubuh (dari sudut berat badan) ketimbang mengatakan, “hey, you look great!”, “oh my God, you look fabulous!”, etc? Apa benar ya orang2 Indonesia kurang mendapat apresiasi sehingga “kurang” mampu mengapresiasi?


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